
It’s time to unwind and here’s how to do it with our simple tips

There is a plethora of information out there on how to curate the perfect bedtime routine and how to set yourself up for the best sleep of your life. There are suggestions in the form of everything from practising gratitude to listening to whale sounds. It may all seem a bit overwhelming which is the exact opposite from the intended effect.
Luckily, we’ve collected our top five favourite tips to provide you with a short and simple approach to creating a relaxing and easy-to-follow night time routine.
Read on to discover how you can make small changes to your evenings for big impact.
Put down the devices

Prolonged exposure to phone screens can put a strain on our eyes which may lead to headaches and other things we’d much rather avoid.
It’s unrealistic to shut all electronics off hours before your head touches the pillow due to work commitments and other priorities, but try to put your phone away at least one to two hours ahead of bedtime.
Settle down with a good book

Once you’ve put the phones and iPads to one side for the evening, you may still need some form of entertainment.
Why not get stuck into a great book? Reading is a full proof way to switch off and really relax in the evenings whilst avoiding screen exposure.
Invest in you

Prioritise yourself and make time to self-pamper. It doesn’t have to be anything too time-consuming, just choose something that makes you feel great.
Practising a short facial massage on yourself, home laser treatment, or just applying a luxurious moisturiser will make your evenings that little bit more special and you deserve to dedicate some time to yourself every day.

An evening skincare routine is vital in achieving a flawless complexion as your skin needs to rest and repair itself from all the elements of the day (pollution, sun exposure, the list goes on) as you sleep.
We always take the simple is best approach, but take time to research what is right for your skin type and create your perfect ritual.

We endorse stepping away from all caffeinated beverages from noon onwards, but know this can be unrealistic on days where you need that extra boost to get you through. As bedtime nears, opt for alternative hot drinks such as chamomile or peppermint tea which can provide digestive support as well as a calming effect.

Creating a simple yet effective bedtime routine needn’t take hours out of your evening. We’ve set out five small changes you can adopt to set the tone for a relaxing and restful night’s sleep.
Give some of these small tips a try and see the positive effects it has for you. Read how to create an energising morning routine here.